Cultures of Thinking
Sharing with Peers
Facebook Twitter Sharing with Peers This blog post comes from Carole Geneix, Director of Teaching and Learning at Washington International School’s Tregaron campus. Carole writes a weekly blog called Tregaron
Multiple Intelligences
Facebook Twitter Multiple Intelligences This blog post comes from Carole Geneix, Director of Teaching and Learning at Washington International School’s Tregaron campus. Carole writes a weekly blog called Tregaron Educators,
Global Studies in DCPS
Facebook Twitter Global Studies in DCPS This blog post comes from Julian Hipkins, Global Studies Coordinator at Theodore Roosevelt High School (DCPS). Julian has taught English in Japan and History
Making Thinking Visible
Facebook Twitter Making Thinking Visible Thinking Routines are “simple procedures, usually consisting of only a few steps, [and] provide a framework for focusing attention on specific thinking moves that can
Cultures of Thinking Explorations in DC
Facebook Twitter Cultures of Thinking Explorations in DC Cultures of thinking “are places in which the group’s collective as well as the individual’s thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted
A Perspective on Best Practices
Facebook Twitter A Perspective on Best Practices When we talk about best practices in education, we can’t ignore context: who the students are, what conditions we teach in, what resources
What is Global Competence?
Facebook Twitter What is Global Competence? What do we mean by the term global competence? Project Zero researcher Veronica Boix Mansilla and Tony Jackson of the Asia Society created a