Cultures of Thinking
WISSIT Names Marci Jones to New Leadership Role
Facebook Twitter WISSIT Names Marci Jones to New Leadership Role In its eighth year, the Washington International School Summer Institute for Teachers (WISSIT): Connecting DC Educators with Project Zero Ideas
Dispatches from the Distance Learning Trenches
Facebook Twitter Dispatches from the Distance Learning Trenches Spring semester 2020 forced all of us, very suddenly, onto the roller coaster ride that is living in a global pandemic. Schools
DCPZ In Action, Vol. II: Making Across the Curriculum
Facebook Twitter DCPZ In Action, Vol. II: Making Across the Curriculum “DCPZ In Action” is a new feature that will highlight, from time to time, the many ways in which
Checking In with DCPZ Affiliate Groups
Facebook Twitter Checking In with DCPZ Affiliate Groups Since 2017, DC-PZ has inspired several specialized affiliate groups that seek to continue the energy and ideas that come out of WISSIT
DCPZ In Action, Vol. I: Marci Jones and Emily Veres
Facebook Twitter DCPZ In Action, Vol. I: Marci Jones and Emily Veres “DCPZ In Action” is a new feature that will highlight, from time to time, the many ways in
WISSIT 2018 Video
Facebook Twitter Thank you to everyone who madeWISSIT 2018 the best WISSIT yet! And a special thank you to Kristen Kullberg for making this beautiful video! Facebook Twitter
WISSIT Reflection: Teacher Christmas in July
Facebook Twitter WISSIT Reflection: Teacher Christmas in July This blog post is by Sher Anderson Petty, an English Literature teacher at Springbrook High School in Montgomery County, MD. In 2017,
Building A School Community with Project Zero
Facebook Twitter Building A School Community with Project Zero This blog post comes from Cynthia Robinson-Rivers, the principal of Van Ness Elementary School in Southeast DC and a member of