
At any given time, the Collaborative manages or supports a variety of projects involving educators from a wide range of settings. Each one has been inspired in some way by Project Zero research.

Ongoing Projects

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Making Across the Curriculum (Agency by Design)

How do we best prepare young people for a rapidly changing world? In response to this question, many leading education experts advocate interdisciplinary, project-based learning. Paired with design thinking, this “maker-centered"…Read more

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An initiative conceived and directed by Project Zero researcher Sarah Sheya, JusticexDesign (JxD) is a professional development program for educators that encourages a systems approach for examining the human-designed world…Read more

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DC-Area Playful Schools Network

What does playful learning mean in your context? This question guides a new project managed by the PD Collaborative that includes over 100 educators from eight local schools. They make…Read more

A group of three students stand in front of the Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial

Park for Every Classroom

The PD Collaborative has teamed up with the National Park Service to take part in the 2023 Park for Every Classroom (PEC) cohort! Along with NPS education specialists, classroom educators, and assorted nonprofit education partners from five other NPS sites across the country, the DC team will be developing a professional development opportunity for local teachers to learn about equity-centered climate change education. …Read more

Little Library

Children Are Citizens

"Children Are Citizens: Children and Teachers Collaborating Across Washington, DC” is an ongoing professional development and curriculum project inspired by the practices of the world-renowned municipal preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. …Read more

Past Projects