Colorful Sketchnote focused on the concept of "Play."
A large group of teachers wearing heavy coats are seated at a picnic table outside. They turn and smile for the camera.
Teachers and visitors inside the Planet Word Museum World Languages gallery. A bright, glowing, blue globe hangs from the center of the ceiling.

DCPZ Affiliate Groups

DCPZ is often the launch pad for educators to create their own, closer-knit, networks of colleagues who share an interest or geographic area.

Since 2017, DCPZ has inspired several specialized affiliate groups that seek to continue the energy and ideas that come out of WISSIT and our other programs. Each group has a defined audience, so they can bring a narrower focus on Project Zero or Project Zero-inspired strategies that fit their members’ specific needs and interests.

Read on to learn about these groups; if you would like to join any, we have included contact information.


This brand-new group is for all school administrators and teacher leaders in the DC area committed to developing Project Zero ideas and building cultures of thinking in their own settings.



Maryland Project Zero (MDPZ)

MDPZ creates opportunities for educators in Maryland to network with each other without having to brave DC rush-hour traffic. We meet at area schools, cultural institutions and local Maryland National Parks.

Google Site: 


DC-Project Zero Early Childhood (DCPZEC)

DC-Project Zero Early Childhood logo. "DC" and "EC" flank the Project Zero logo of "PZ" inside a multicolored circle.

DCPZEC began meeting in the 2016-2017 school year, inspired by the WISSIT throughlines of finding ways to enact Project Zero ideas in our classrooms and learning contexts, as well as a means to continue to exchange ideas beyond the institute. More specifically, the group formed as a way for early childhood educators to collectively and collaboratively grapple with what PZ means for us working with the youngest learners.

Twitter: @dcpzec


Northern Virginia PZ (NOVA*PZ)

Since DCPZ events mostly meet in DC, this group created opportunities for educators in Northern Virginia to network with each other without having to brave DC rush-hour traffic. They often meet at area schools and at Virginia cultural institutions, such as Wolf Trap.
DC-Project Zero en Español (DCPZenEspañol)
Begun in Fall of 2022, this group brings together educators in the region who are Spanish speakers, and especially native speakers. The group’s goal is to create a space for digesting and practicing Project Zero ideas in Spanish. They meet several times in the school year at different locations, often at museums!

Instagram: @dcpzespanol
Twitter: @DCPZenEspanol
Google Site:


Playful PZ Colleagues

Started by Heidi Bachman, Playful Kinder is a group of colleagues interested in bringing all aspects of play into their varied educational environments. Engage with playful learning experiences in the greater DC area and discuss how to enrich your spaces with playful interactions at all grade levels and age ranges. 
